Click 2 B3gin!

Click some Mor3!

Rouge of Hope-Derse Dreamer
H3llo, my nam3's Kenni! I'm an art rat who lik3s to draw 3sp3cially silly things. I us3 they/them or it/its pronouns! I like m3dic-cor3 and lovecor3 things, as well as clowns, harl3quins, and the lik3 :3

I'm a littl3 s3nsitiv3, 3sp3cially wh3n r3garding my int3r3sts, but I promis3 I'm nic3!!

Pl3as3 Don't Interact If...
-You are a MAP/DDLG/Other yuckies or support them
-You're heavy truscum/transmed
-Homophobic/Transphopbic/Ableist and the like
-You're a Vriska apologist
-You're on a kink/nsfw account! Pls just follow on a sfw account I'm a minor
(No typing quirk because I want this to be as clear as possible)